Vallejos, Rosa & Hunter Brown. 2021. Locative construals: Topology, posture, disposition, and perspective in Secoya and beyond. Cognitive Linguistics 32(2). 251–286.
Hunter Brown & Hancock-Mac Tamhais, J. Drew. (August 2024). Fossilized incorporants in Northern Iroquoian. To be presented at the 21st International Morphology Meeting (IMM), Vienna, Austria.
Hunter Brown. (December 2024). Contact and structural analogy in South-Central Trans-Himalayan. To be presented at the 4th symposium of the Angus McIntosh Center for Historical Linguistics, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Hunter Brown. (January 2024). Describing inter- and intra-speaker variation in Chiru stem alternation patterns. Presented at the 4th meeting of the Tibeto-Burman Linguistics Association of North-East India (TiBLANEI), Shillong, India.
Hunter Brown & Awan, Mechek Sampar. (December 2023). Verb stem alternation in Tibeto-Burman: Insights from Chiru, an under-documented minority language of Northeast India. Presented at the 29th annual Linguistik – Internationales Promotionsprogramm (LIPP) Symposium, Munich, Germany.
Jens van Gysel & Brown, Hunter. (November 2022). The Expression of motion events in Sanapaná. Presented at the 15th biennial conference of the HIgh Desert Linguistic Society at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, USA.
Rosa Vallejos & Brown, Hunter. (May 2021). Conceptual alternativity and the issue of basicness: Evidence from Secoya locative constructions. Presented virtually for the Atelier Typologie Sémantique, Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France.