All important information and requirements regarding your graduation and BA thesis are on the faculty website: BA Studies.
All important information and requirements regarding your graduation and MA thesis are on the faculty website: Master's degree.
Important dates
Grade entry BA fall semester
Before the 6th calendar week (early February)
Grade entry BA spring semester
Before the 36th calendar week (early September)
Dates master’s thesis
See “dates” on the faculty website
Important: The exact submission deadline of your thesis should be coordinated with your supervisor as early as possible, since time has to be allotted for the reading and reviewing of the thesis, as well as for the defense, before the grade can be entered.
Declaration of academic integrity (“Selbstständigkeitserklärung”)
The declaration of academic integrity must be included at the end of your thesis.
Procedure for final thesis
The following list gives an idea of the process for final theses using a bachelor’s thesis as an example. Deviations are possible depending on the agreement or arrangement with the supervisor.
- Discussion by the student of three proposed topics and a tentative research question and short bibliography.
- Personal discussion of the suggestions with the supervisor and choice of topic.
- The student draws up a tentative table of contents and a detailed bibliography.
- Sending an interim version of the written thesis (approx. half-time, usually after 1-2 months), with written (or possibly verbal) feedback from the supervisor.
- Submission of the thesis, scheduling of the defense (at least 2 weeks after submission).
- Defense, grading and debriefing.
- If necessary: Return of annotated version(s)
- Submission of final (possibly revised) thesis for collection of final theses in office B173, incl. declaration of academic integrity.
- Entry of the grade into the CTS (Core Teaching System)
The same basic procedure applies to master’s theses, albeit with additional requirements imposed by the faculty.