Institut für Sprachwissenschaft


Approaches to defining and analyzing semantic roles

From the beginning of 2007 until 2011, Fernando Zúñiga worked on thematic relations or semantic roles from a cross-linguistic (rather than theoretical) perspective via a fruitful collaboration with Dr. Seppo Kittilä (University of Helsinki), which produced a series of joint activities and publications (s. below).

Fernando Zúñiga & Seppo Kittilä

Workshop on (New) Approaches to Defining Semantic Roles

University of Zurich (04.–05.04.11)

Seppo Kittilä & Fernando Zúñiga

Workshop on Case, Animacy, and Semantic Roles

Previous to the SKY Conference (Case in and across Languages), Helsinki, Finland (26.08.09)

Seppo Kittilä & Fernando Zúñiga

Theme Session on Semantic Roles and Argument Marking

On occasion of the Cognitive and Functional Perspectives on Dynamic Tendencies in Languages Conference, University of Tartu, Estonia (29.05.–01.06.08)

Seppo Kittilä & Fernando Zúñiga

Workshop on Typological, Psycholinguistic, and Corpus-Linguistic Approaches to Animacy

On occasion of the 40th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, University of Joensuu, Finland (29.08.–01.09.07)