PHD Muhammad Zakaria

Advanced Postdoctoral Fellow

Consultation Hour
By appointment

Research profile

I specialize in language documentation, historical linguistics, grammaticalization, and language contact, particularly in South and Southeast Asia ( My current research interest includes the evolutionary pathways between (comitative) applicative, causative and middle, and syntactic reanalysis as a manifestation of verb-stem alternations. I am also interested in ritual languages and comparative literary analysis for establishing genetic affiliation. My colleagues and students at Independent University of Bangladesh and I are currently developing an archive which will host user-friendly and searchable corpora of South and Southeast Asian languages.

Currently, I am an Advanced Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Bern, where I teach linguistics and lead a research project on The History of Verb Stem Alternations in South Central Tibeto-Burman ( I earned my PhD in Linguistics from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, with a dissertation on the grammar of Hyow (, a Tibeto-Burman language spoken by around 4,000 people in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. After my PhD, I have documented two more languages, Laitu and Lawktu, as part of my postdoc projects. The work on Laitu, a Southeastern South Central TIbeto-Burman (also known as Kuki-Chin) language spoken in the Rakhine state of Burma, is archived at ELAR (

I have held several positions, both teaching and research, at different universities, including the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London), Independent University, Bangladesh, and Osaka University. I am actively involved in efforts to document endangered languages, develop digital archives, and support communities in preserving their linguistic heritage.

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Selected Publications

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2024. Evidence of a contact-induced change: Relative-   correlative clause in a South Central (Kuki-Chin) language of the Tibeto Burman branch in Bangladesh. Asian Languages and Linguistics, 132-177.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2023. Phonological, lexical and grammatical borrowings and replications in Hyow, a language of the Bangladesh-Myanmar border area.  Asian Languages and Linguistics, 291-33.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2022. Functions of the -êy suffix in Hyow. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics, 8.2: 2022-2040.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2021. Revisiting Proto-Kuki-Chin Initials. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale, 50.2: 207-244.

Recent and upcoming talks (conferences and invited)

Zakaria, Muhammad and Peterson, David A. 2024. Evolutionary pathways between applicative, causative, and middle. Paper presented at the15th International Conference of the Association for Linguistic Typology (ALT XV), NTU, Singapore.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2024. Applicative to nominaliser: a widespread  grammaticalisation in South Central Tibeto-Burman. Paper presented at the  57th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Peking University, China.

Zakaria, Muhammad and Peterson, David A. 2024. When ‘eat’ means ‘take’: pathways between applicatives, causatives, and middles in Tibeto-Burman.  Paper presented at the 57th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Peking University, China.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2024. hi/s(h)i copula in South Central Tibeto-Burman languages. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, Taiwan.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2023. The Historical Development of Causative/Applicative and Middle Constructions in Southeastern and Southwestern South Central (Kuki-Chin), Linguistics Research Seminar, CLCS, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

Zakaria, Muhammad. 2022. Relative-correlative clauses in Hyow (Khyang): evidence of contact-induced changes, International Conference on Language Documentation focusing on the Internal Structures of Languages, International Mother Language Institute (IMLI), Bangladesh.

Language Contact (Spring 2025)

Sociolinguistics (Fall 2024)

Introduction to Linguistics (Fall 2024)

English Phonetics and Phonology (Summer 2024)

Historical Linguistics (Summer 2024)

Syntax (Summer 2024)