Dr. Jocelyn Aznar

Guest of the Institute and Associated Researcher

Consultation Hour
Tuesday (9-12am)
private website

Research Profile

My research is mainly at the intersection of documentation linguistics, corpus anthropolinguistics and typology. Since 2011, I work with the Nisvai community, in the South-East of Malekula, Vanuatu (nisv1234) on an ethnolinguistic documentation of the community and its language practices. During my PhD (2019), at the intersection of linguistics, anthropology and NLP, I built a corpus of oral narratives and showed how certain variations in the narrative texts produced by the Nisvai speakers could be associated to the age class of the speaker and the narrative situation. I’ve been working in the documentation of the narratives in particular, producing versatile resources (Aznar & Gala, 2020), useful for the speakers as well as for linguists. I am currently working on the elaboration of a language resource coordinating lexicography and ethnography.

I previously worked at ZAS, where, in collaboration with Seifart (2020, 2022), we elaborated quality criteria and processes for language documentation corpora, and with Lange, we developed a semi-automatized corpus quality checker (2022). I afterward also contributed to a 20 hours corpus of Bislama, with Aru, Krifka, Meyerhoff and Veenstra. From September, I’ll start to work for the Department of Comparative Language Science, at the university of Zürich, within the project Linguits, https://www.comparativelinguistics.uzh.ch/en/IDG/research/lingunits.html.

Keywords: language documentation, corpus, ethnolinguistics, ethnography, Vanuatu, Nisvai

Selected publications

Jocelyn Aznar. 2023. L'emploi des noms propres dans les narrations nisvaies en fonction de la classe d'âge de l'orateur (Malekula, Vanuatu). In: La narration : du discours à la multimodalité. Ed: Luca Greco. http://www.lambert-lucas.com/livre/la-narration-du-discours-a-la-multimodalite/

Jocelyn Aznar, Christian Döhler, Jozina Vander Klok. 2023. Applicatives in Austronesian Languages. NUSA: Linguistic studies of languages in and around Indonesia. 74, 2023, 2187-7297. DOI:10.15026/0002000084.

Aznar, Jocelyn. 2022. Nisvai DoReCo dataset. In Seifart, Frank, Ludger Paschen and Matthew Stave (eds.). Language Documentation Reference Corpus (DoReCo) 1.2. Berlin & Lyon: Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft & laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (UMR5596, CNRS & Université Lyon 2). https://doreco.huma-num.fr/languages/nisv1234. DOI:10.34847/nkl.2801565f

Aznar, Jocelyn, and Frank Seifart. The RefCo toolkit. 2022. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.6470807

Aznar, J., & Gala, N. (2020, May). The Nisvai Corpus of Oral Narrative Practices from Malekula (Vanuatu) and its Associated Language Resources. In Language Resources and Evaluation for Language Technologies (LREC). https://hal.science/hal-02504413/document


Recent and upcoming talks

25.07.2024. C-LARA: Innovative approaches to speech and language technologies for Oceania, the world’s most linguistically diverse region,  Flinders University, Bedford Park campus, Adelaide, Australia. “Let’s not be framed by dictionaries! Sharing lexical elicitations to improve lexicographic documentation, examples from the Nisvai-Bislama lexical documentation, Vanuatu”

05.07.2024. Universität Freiburg. Vortragsreihe "Language, Communication & Cognition" der Freiburger Sprachwissenschaften. “Silent pause as a discursive sign across languages: Reporting on a cross-linguistic study of direct speech, silent pause and word order using corpora from DoReCo


Digital tools and data in language documentation.